Mike Dawes

The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding
in all of the directions it can whizz.

-Eric Idle (Monty Python)

I am a newly trained software programmer and have a passion for graphic design and coding.

I am a graduate of The Tech Academy's UI/UX Design Boot Camp, along with graduating classes through Udemy, Coursera, and Code in Place. I am trained and experienced in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.

You can view my various coding projects by checking out my profiles!

Github Logo  Dribbble Logo    Linked In Logo

...or take a look at my résumé!

Resume Logo

Picture of myself and my Nana
I'm here to help get your project to the next level!
Icon for HTML
I'm a UI/UX developer, trained in many languages including: HTML
Icon for CSS
Icon for JS
Icon for Python
Icons for Java
C# icon
Have taken classes in C# for game development, and more!

Questions? Comments? Let me know!